Maine eConsult Network


The Maine eConsult Network (MEeCN) is facilitated by MCD Global Health and the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center (NETRC). With funding from Maine DHHS, we have established a 1-year pilot program to implement electronic consultations (eConsults) between primary care and specialist clinicians. We aim to reduce health care disparities and improve access to specialty expertise, particularly in rural areas.

For primary care providers

The Maine eConsult Network is developing resources to support implementation of eConsults in Federally Qualified Health Centers, Critical Access Hospitals, Rural Health Clinics, and other organizations.

PCP Resources

For specialists

Specialty care providers who are interested in joining the Maine eConsult Network may complete the form, submit an up-to-date CV, and a NETRC team member will be in touch to schedule an interview

Individual providers Organizations

What are eConsults?

Electronic consultations, (eConsults), use a web-based system that allows a primary care provider (PCP) and a specialist to securely share health information and electronically communicate about patient care.

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